Praying for me isn’t formal, but more me speaking my thoughts, worries, or whatever comes up, to Him. This morning I just asked God to touch me with what I read. I’m needy right now and have told Him that I wanted every available means of communication he could give me. It’s ok to ask that. He’s my Father and wants to supply everything…so I asked.
I’ve been reading through the Old Testament. Not in an organized, read-the-Bible-through-in-a-year way. I’m just reading each day till I have a light bulb moment that speaks to my issues. This week I’ve been following Joshua around the edges of Canaan . I’m absolutely in awe of his trust in God as he takes over leadership from Moses and actually enters the promise land. What faith and courage he had to move forward without his lifelong mentor and companion. But move he did, right across the dry Jordan River bed with Jehovah God leading the way.
In chapter 5: 13-15, Joshua noticed a man with a drawn sword. Approaching him Joshua asked if he was an enemy or ally. Now, hear the reply… “I am the Commander-in-Chief of the Lord’s army.” At that point, Joshua fell down on his knees. He didn’t argue or ask for identification, but just dropped. Joshua said, “Give me your commands.” The Commander said “Take off your shoes, for this is holy ground.” And Joshua did. My face got wet after reading this. In fact recently, every time I’ve sensed that God was near I've cried. That’s my heart’s desire, to be so tangibly close to Him that he asks me to take off my shoes because I’m in His presence.
Later, I followed through with advice from a friend and went for a walk while Lydia was logged into her writing class. The sun was blinding me without clouds to block its rays. I resisted the urge to speed dial mom like usual, and instead, told God I needed some more one-on-one time with Him. “Please Lord; give me something from you to hold onto today. I can’t help that I need to be so close right now, like Joshua was while he was with the Commander-in-Chief of your army.” My eyes started getting my face wet again and I realized that Holy Spirit was near. “Can’t you just send me someone with a drawn sword? Then I can take my shoes off too… I know you aren’t ready for me to come home yet. You’ve got work for me to do. But I long to. It’s what I want…more than life, to run barefoot and free in your shadow, forever.”
Between the scarf and my sun glasses I was able to cry privately without drawing attention. After a few more seconds of quiet I heard this. “My Word, Kerrie, is alive and sharper than any two edged sword. I am here little one…on your walks, when you open your heart to my Word, as you lift your face to me in prayer…you don’t need a soldier with a sword. When you invite me in to the quiet dark of your morning, be still and listen. You'll hear me whisper…take off your shoes sweet girl, because you too, are on holy ground."
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
Again your my teacher for the day! Love you
I love you too Debbie! So proud of you my friend:)